Sunday, January 28, 2007

The impact of emotions on performance

I have been putting off a job I have been asked to do for some weeks because I do not feel very happy about working on it.

In between, I have run (and enjoyed) workshops for the NHS, a consulting programme for tro trusts, a series of activities to support a Regional Development Agency and also finalised a book. I have approached all of these tasks with my usual degree of gusto - but for some reason I cannot get excited about the job I have been putting off.

The job in question is something which is not 'core' to what I want to achieve (it is about business planning rather than transformation), I am missing a lot of the background information that I need, it will be contentious - however I do it (!) and lastly, it has the potential to let others down by not being an exact fit with their requirements.........and this is preventing me from working on it.

The fact that I have felt so bad about this (relatively) small piece of work, whilst feeling so positive about other work I have been doing around it, shows the impact that emotions can have on performance.

If I were positive about the work, if I felt it would be beneficial to all those I am doing it for (rather than just some) and if I felt I had all the information required to do the job properly, I wonder how successful it would be?

What is your experience?

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