Thursday, October 05, 2006

Random Connection

I realised yesterday that all the important people in my life (other than brothers, uncles, aunties and children) I have met because of a random connection.

In a family context, I met my wife because she happened to be at a mutual friend's house when I was and in a business context, one of my business partners I met because I decided to try a different form of networking event.

Subsequently, these random connections lead to a wide range of things such as children, contracts, further introductions and friendships, but the root of all success comes from a random connection.

In analysing why this is an important message, it is because the more random connections you make, the more success you will have - but the real issue is pushing yourself to go and make those connections!

On a different issue, have you seen my other blog on Lean Sigma (called Flexiblean - pronounced Flexible Lean)

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