Saturday, November 11, 2006

Repetition and (no) Deviation creates Hestitation

Stealing shamelessly from BBC Radio 4's 'Just a Minute', I have modified the rules for the game to highlight a problem that came up in a workshop I was attending today at Earl's Court.

Doing the same thing over and over again makes people an expert at undertaking that task, but in the longer term - when variation is required - this repetition creates a 'furrow' into which people channel their energies - making it hard for them to create the new patterns of working that are needed.

In the worst cases, the desire to continue doing what has been done before (without deviation) delays the organisation's ability to react to the changing circumstances and prevents improvement. This hesitation can be devastating to the long term health of the organisation.

The cure is often hard bear for some people in that it requires them to accept (and perhaps even value) failure, errors and divergent thinking - something that people normally get fired for in many corporates!

But to be clear, this disruption is different to devastation - which will be the topic of a later post!

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